Want to be happy? One important way is to have a heart of gratitude. You can become so peaceful and thankful in your daily lives when you embrace and show Gratitude.
Gratitude is showing appreciation, being at peace with life, counting your blessings, and being thankful always.
This post is for you if:
- You are on a personal development journey.
- A heart of gratitude is something you need.
- You need to change your outlook.
How do you practice gratitude daily
- Wake up with a grateful heart
Get out of bed feeling grateful to see another day. Even if it feels like just another day, remember a new day is filled with new opportunities, possibilities, new blessings, and another chance to start fresh.
Make it count. Start with a good morning routine, ensure to have an optimistic outlook, and be grateful to be alive. That in itself is special, my friend.
Start each day with a grateful heart - Psalm 107 vs 1
2. Appreciate the little things
The little things are those we usually overlook – the sweet smell of roses, spending time with family/friends, someone bringing you your favorite dessert, a text that made you smile, chirping birds, etc.
Don’t allow the ‘bigger’ things to distract you from appreciating the little things in life. When you are grateful for these things, it gives a sense of peace and tranquility. A heart of gratitude gives attention to all the lovely things life has to offer.
3. Say thank you
Another way to show gratitude is simply by saying thank you. For instance, If someone holds the door for you, ensure to thank them so they know you appreciate it. To your friend who has been a shoulder to lean on, say thank you.
4. Don’t be a complainer
To be a grateful person, you can’t be someone who likes to complain. Complaining drains your energy, clouds your mind into negative thinking, and robs you of the beautiful things that you should be grateful for.
Perhaps you hate your job, you want to be elsewhere in life, you feel like you don’t have enough or life isn’t good to you, etc. I get it, but always remember that you are filled with so much purpose and have the power to change your situation.
Additionally, In striving to have a heart of gratitude, think about the things you have (count your blessings- tangible and intangible) and be grateful. Practice to complain less and appreciate more. Whenever you feel the need to complain, use these tips to relax your mind.
How to always have a grateful heart
5. Be positive
A heart of gratitude will look at the bright side of things.
The other day I saw a comic picture of two men sitting on a bus. Both were staring through the window and seeing nothing but bushes or something. (Let’s say it wasn’t an amazing view).
However, one of them looked so sad and grouchy, but the other had a smile on his face and looked so happy.
The picture depicts perfectly how one should be positive (in spite of). This is a good way to practice showing gratitude.
Related content: 26 Ways to become the best version of yourself
6. Be kind
Nothing beats acts of kindness. Being kind to people shows them that they’re appreciated. It can literally makes someone’s entire day.
A heart of gratitude enjoys giving kind gestures, therefore, be that person.
“No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted”
7. Return a favor
Another way to show that you are grateful is to return a favor. Don’t forget when someone did something of importance for you, even if it’s a long time ago.
Let them know you appreciate it and you’re willing to return the favor.
8. Give back
Giving back shows gratefulness in every way. When you are able to give and actually decide to, it is an absolute blessing and reveals a heart of gratitude.
If you are in the position, try to help someone in need, even it’s a little token for the holidays.
A heart full of gratitude
9. Show appreciation to the people you love
Let your loved ones know you appreciate them. Verbalize it, invite them over for dinner, host an appreciation party, greet them with a hug, give a gift, etc. Whatever it is, demonstrate how grateful it is to have them a part of your life.
Let’s face it, some people mean more to us than some, therefore we must show them love and gratitude.
10. Write in your journal
Ensure you get a gratitude journal.
What are 3 things you are grateful for today?
Write this down in your journal. Each day, let your journal entries include things you are grateful for. It’s a great way to practice gratitude.
11. Celebrate your wins
Listen, always celebrate your wins! You show gratitude when you appreciate yourself, love yourself, and celebrate your efforts.
12. Pray and thank God
Lastly, but definitely not the least, start and end each day with prayer. With a heart full of gratitude, be thankful to God for everything.
Life is made up of the good, the bad, and the indifferent, but, if you try to always have a grateful heart, then it would make things so much better.
Read next: 26 Ways to be the best version of yourself