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Imagine yourself at a place where you’re debt-free, you spend less, save more, make money, design the life you love, embracing and adopting the amazing habits of women who always have money.
Sounds ideal right?
I want you to know that’s possible for you right now if only you believe you can. It all starts in the mind, remember that.
So, these women who always have money develop good habits over time and remain consistent. In fact, they make it a part of their entire lifestyle and stay away from bad money habits that keep you poor.
With no further a due, let’s jump right into it.
habits of women who are never broke
- They have grit and resilience
Sometimes, life can through a ton of lemons at you. Even some financial ones. For example, an unexpected emergency at the most inopportune time can cause you to spend all you had. It happens right? That’s life.
However, wise women know how to bounce back from financial downfall, dust themselves off and double up the courage to fight for their finances.
2. They create a budget
A budget is basically a financial plan where you write down your gross income and the number of expenses in order to keep track of your finances and or make decisions. For women who always have money, every dollar is accounted for.
So, she wants to be aware of her spending habits, where her paycheck is going, and how she can live well spending less. Therefore, she would ask questions like:
- How to spend less on groceries?
- How to spend less money ?
- Where to go cheap?
Yes, she embraces frugal living. Why pay more when you can pay less? Strive to spend less.
When you spend less, you’ll have more money to build your savings account. Therefore, smart women who always have money use their budget as a guide and try to spend less than they earn, always.
3. They plan ahead
Another habit of financially successful women is that they plan ahead. Planning ahead helps to forecast your spending and needs.
Smart women know to use this method to analyze how much they are going to spend, how much money they need to save, or if they need an additional source of income.
Good money habits

4. They make saving their priority
The thing is, If you spend less, then there’s room for saving more money. It’s good to save 10-20% of your income and live off the balance, and if you can save more, that’s even better. Successful women save money religiously because they want to be financially secure.
Saving money can help to combat emergency situations, (as mentioned earlier), attain healthy finances, give you some level of financial peace. Therefore, financially successful women enjoy saving, even if it’s just the traditional way of saving money.
Also, they take advantage of sales, freebies/free money, and cashback in order to save even more.
Side note: Sign up for Ibotta for free and earn cashback on the purchases you make. Download the app, choose an offer/product you’re going to purchase, upload the receipt after making the purchase and get cash back! You can sign up here.
financially successful women
5. They have a side hustle
An extra income source is important for women who always have money. There are some good side hustles for women who want to build their savings and achieve financial independence.
You can start building up passive income now to increase your earnings. Multiple streams of income are what you need today.
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6. They don’t buy the unnecessary.
They hold good money habits and discipline and know exactly what they need by saying no to impulse spending. This is a great spending habit to have. Stop buying things you don’t need.
Also, here is an article I wrote with 9 things I stopped buying to save money. Now, I spend less because I don’t make unnecessary purchases.
7. They are dedicated and consistent
Amongst the habits of women who always have money are dedication and consistency. Both work hand in hand for these amazing women. They try their best to keep improving their finances day in, day out.
Slacking off is not a part of their game. Good habits are a part of their lifestyle.
financial habits
8. They prefer home-cooked meals
Women with good money habits cook at home in order to save money. These days, there are tons of cooking materials, videos, books, and recipes on the internet that you can try instead of eating out.
Are you ready to get rid of bad money habits and start preparing home-cooked meals to save money? Here is a cookbook with over 120 dinners, desserts, and more recipes!
9. They don’t keep tons of credit cards
These successful women learned the art of money management. Having too many credit cards can initiate impulse spending and run you into debt, They want to live debt-free and strive to spend less. By adopting this habit, you’ll be able to keep more money in your purse.
10. They act their wage
Acting your wage means you don’t live above your means. In fact, women who always have money try to live below their means. They spend less than they earn and make their goal – financial freedom.
Ready to adopt these habits of women who always have money?