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Building confidence is necessary but some people struggle to do so. Nonetheless, you are about to break free and take charge of your life with these great ways how to increase confidence, so get ready.
Perhaps You’ve tried to display confidence, but it just doesn’t seem to work and you become so overwhelmed. You might be asking the question, ” how can I be more confident”?
Or maybe, you feel as though you’re confident but you need a boost. I totally get it.
Firstly, what is Confidence?
According to the University of South Florida, “Self-Confidence is an attitude about skills and abilities. It means you accept and trust yourself and have a sense of control over your life. You know your strengths and weakness well and have a positive view of yourself”.
So many people all over the world lack confidence and this negatively affects their life and careers. Here’s how it affects it.
The question now is, Why is self-confidence important?
It’s important because it changes the narrative of how you see yourself which impacts how you go through life.
When you are confident or building confidence, your perspectives about life, yourself, and the people around you change. You’ll believe in your purpose, your abilities, chase your goals boldly, compliment yourself first, know your worth and that you’re beautiful, etc.
In fact, you will know you light up a room the moment you walk in and that your opinions matter.
building confidence in yourself
- Look good and feel good
A step to building confidence is to look good and feel good. By this I mean:
- Dress well – wear clothes that compliment your body.
- Get your hair done (or a haircut).
- Start working out for a healthier you (Get your at home gears/equipments now)
- Smell good – Wear nice perfume/colognes
- Indulge in aesthetic self-care
- Do your nails
- Put on some makeup
Trust me, whenever I do any of these, I feel so good as it helps to build self-confidence.
2. Indulge in self-care
As you know, self-care isn’t selfish. Take care of yourself, treat yourself to the best that you deserve. It doesn’t have to be expensive, you can have an aesthetic self-care day at home.
Related content: Best ways to relax your mind at home
3. Do Daily affirmations
By doing daily affirmations, you set yourself up so your mind can believe that which you’re feeding it. It’s a strategy and words have power.
Speak all the positive things over your life and watch them manifest.
4. Believe in yourself
I always tell people, you have to believe in yourself. Self-belief can take you a far way. Know (not think) that you’re worth it, you deserve it and you can achieve it. Moreover, this is necessary for building confidence in yourself.
“Believe in yourself. You are braver than you think, more talented than you know and capable of more than you can imagine”
Roy T. Bennett
How to increase confidence level
5. Make eye contact
Remember, the other person is a human being just like you, with struggles and all. So why should you be afraid to make eye contact with them?
Be bold. Practice doing this with the store clerk or the cashier so you can get better at it. Something always seems hard and uncomfortable until you try and master it.
Related content: 26 ways to become the best version of yourself
6. Do not compare yourself to others
Undoubtedly, we all know that comparison is a killer of joy and happiness. It is even worst these days due to social media and it’s so sad.
Comparing yourself to others will only get you ready for a pity party (and I’m not bringing cake!) because I don’t want that for you. Sometimes we don’t even know what’s really going on on their side of the fence.
You just have to try to be at peace with yourself and with your life. No one can do that for you. It all comes down to gratitude. Learn 14 ways how to show gratitude.
Do you love yourself? For this reason, protect your heart. Water your own grass. Be you unapologetically and understand that you are unique and that’s what makes you special. This is very important when building confidence in yourself.
How can I be confident in myself
7. Know your worth
In building confidence, you need to understand your worth. Your worth will determine what you accept, reject, how you’re addressed/approached, the way you see yourself, your standards, etc.
Therefore, know you are worth it, get that confidence boost, and act accordingly.
8. Talk nice to yourself
A lot of people talk mean to themselves sometimes, especially when they make mistakes:
“oh I’m so stupid”, “I’m such an idiot”
Do not let this be a habit of yours. It might sound silly, however, if you’re trying to build building self-confidence, be nice to yourself. Remember words have power and we’re only injecting the positives.
9. Celebrate your wins
If you don’t celebrate yourself first, then who will?
Give yourself a pat on the back, grab a drink with friends, take a shot for goodness sake, buy your favorite dessert. Whatever you do, always celebrate your wins. It will help you to feel good within, boosting your confidence.
More ways how to improve confidence
10. Upgrade your credentials
Take a course, get certified, get a degree, learn a new skill, and upgrade your credentials. It will make you feel more confident, especially going into your career. Keep growing, learning, and getting better.
There are so many free courses online.
11. Smile more
Want to know how to feel more confident? Smile.
Imagine you’re about to do a presentation, you will look more confident if you’re smiling than not. Also, it will be reciprocated and you will feel much more comfortable and capable.
Smiling helps to ease tension and allows you to come off as a pleasant and confident person.
12. Be assertive
Another way how to build confidence is to be assertive. Plan, prepare, show up and ensure to look like you know what you’re about. Be self-assured, bold, and outspoken.
Beaides, it’s a way to feel more confident in yourself.
13. Be enthusiastic
When you show that you are passionate about what you do and the direction you take in life, that zeal will help you to be more confident about yourself and your choices.
Don’t let anyone or anything put out that fire. If you’ve lost it, I hope to build up your confidence to ignite it today.
Cheers to building confidence
14. Be positive
Being positive can help to build self-confidence. If you’re a negative person, it will drain your energy and cause you to end up feeling dissatisfied with yourself/life. This can affect your confidence.
Therefore, think positive and keep an optimistic outlook.
15. Surround yourself with people who lift you up
Your circle can contribute to how you see yourself. Pay attention to how you feel after spending time with the people you hang around.
Do you feel uplifted? Are your dreams supported? How about when you share the good news?
Building confidence will make you analyze these things.
16. Give yourself some reassurance
Reassure yourself how awesome, talented, loyal and beautiful you are. Wake up and start your day with a good morning routine, do your affirmations, and reassure yourself that you can do it.
17. Use criticism as a stepping stone
In increasing confidence, you cannot let everything get you down. Some criticism will be constructive and for your own good. But unfortunately for some, it will disrupt and discourage.
Just remember your worth, deem it a distraction and continue to believe in yourself.
18. Read motivational books
This is a great way to build self-confidence. I love reading motivational books. Here are some books for building confidence:
You are a badass by Jen Sincero
Coffee self talk by Kristen Helmstetter
You are stronger than you think
Finally, Self-Confidence
19. Be your biggest cheerleader
Self-confidence calls for you to be your number one cheerleader. Don’t depend on anyone to cheer for you.
Of course, you will have people in your order cheering you on (don’t get me wrong), but make sure you are clapping for yourself, patting yourself on the back, and going yourself credit even when no one else is.
20. Face your fears
What are some things you afraid of? Make a list and face each of them one by one. You gain confidence when you face your fears and know that you can totally do this.
21. Have a mentor
Who is your mentor? Your mentor is somewhat like an accountability partner. He/she is one of wisdom that will help to keep you focused, accountable, and offer advice when you need it.
This can help in building confidence as we all need someone at times. We don’t know everything, we have bad days, need guidance, motivation, and help.
In conclusion, these are all great ways how to increase your confidence level. It’s better to be overconfident than lack confidence. Remember you are worthy enough, so be confident in yourself. As always, I’m rooting for you. Thanks for stopping by!
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