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To bloom, grow and become is something I truly embrace. Growth thrills me, you know. Every day, we should become better than who we were yesterday. Here are some 31 real ways how to be the
best version of yourself. Let’s call it ‘My best version’.
Have you ever known someone from a couple of years back and then you see them years later and you’re so blown away by their growth?
It almost feels like you have to get to know them all over again.
No, not the tangible things they possess or have achieved, but just their mindset, way of thinking, their demeanor or energy, their wisdom, and way of doing things just cause you to think how much they’ve “changed”.
Yes, change. Let me tell you that change is good. In fact, if you’re not changing, it means you aren’t growing. (Now that’s scary, definitely not where you want to be).
So, are you ready to be the greatest version of yourself?
Becoming the best version of yourself
- Show gratitude
Working on your inner self is highly important. Change your mindset and begin to be grateful for everything. You’ll realize that when you begin to show gratitude for the sunshine, the birds chirping, life as a whole, health, family, friends, the good, the bad, and the indifferent, it brings a sense of peacefulness.
2. Be a positive person
If you want to be intentional about being the best version of yourself, you should try to be a positive person. A positive person will always see the bright side of things. Don’t you just love being around positive people? I mean, it’s so heartwarming and encouraging.
To be positive works well for your well-being and for others. By becoming a better version of yourself and exuding positivity, your new outlook and perspective will impact your life and others.
3. Never stop learning
The best version of yourself requires you to keep learning and discovering new things. In fact, you are never too old to learn.
Importantly, educating yourself will widen your knowledge, perspective, eliminate small talk and help you to share valuable information. Attend workshops, seminars, do a course, expand your vocabulary, etc, just keep learning.
4. Be kind
In this world where there are so many people being mean, it’s worth it for you to be kind. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying that you never know what a person is going through and how a kind gesture can make their day. This will help you to be the best possible version of yourself.
working on myself
5. Take care of your health
Let’s be the best version of ourselves and take care of our health.
Health is a priceless wealth. Invest while you can.
Bryant McGill
6. Maintain healthy friendships and relationships
Indeed, relationships or connections greatly impact our lives. You must be mindful of the energy of the people around you as you become the best version of yourself. Who is pouring into you?
7. Reciprocate everything good
Smile back, give back, be a shoulder to lean on, as reciprocity is a nice way to do the good that you also have received.
If you do good, good will come back to you.
Croatian Proverb
8. Find a mentor
In becoming the best version of yourself, a mentor is a good idea. Your mentor can be your role model or basically anyone you admire that has the experience to give you sound advice, offer guidance and leadership.
9. Laugh a lot
I know you’ve heard the saying, laughter is the best medicine. The best version of yourself wants you to be relaxed, happy and in a pretty good place mentally. This article offers some benefits of laughter that it actually wowed me.
10. Be open to change
Don’t be stuck in your old ways. A change is required when you are becoming a better version of yourself. Check out these books for inspiration:
- Becoming by Michelle Obama
- The joy of imperfection by Damon Zahariades
- Be better than you by Shay Stone
- The better boundaries workbook by Sharon Martin [Therapist Recomended]
By the way, you guys can also read free on the kindle app or get the free trial since you are serious about change and being the best version of yourself.
11. Learn patience
Though this might look simple but trust me, patience ges a far way and speaks good quality of you.
12. Be consistent in everything you do
You will never know the power of consistency unless you try it. Let’s be the best version of ourselves and stay consistent with our workout routine, diet, side hustles, relationships and other aspects of our lives.
13. Apologize when you’re wrong
Growth comes with being mature enough to apologize when you’re wrong. No blame game. Of course, you want to stay true to who you are becoming.
14. Get your finances in order
Organizing your finances and learning proper money management will impact your life positively. Learn tips to:
15. Read books
Earlier, I mentioned that you should keep learning. Reading helps in so many ways to grasp new concepts and stimulate your mind. How about joining a book club?
16. Kill fear, be bold
Couple years back, I was extremely shy. I feared public speaking and a bunch of different things. Though I’m still a bit reserved, I have experienced immense growth.
Never let your fears control you. Instead, face them, be confident and be bold. Be the best version of you.
17. Do not entertain negative conversations/thoughts
Listen, what your mind conceives and what you utter out of your mouth is powerful. Always try to think and speak positive things. Punch negativity with optimism and positivity.
Discovering your best self
18. Have a good morning routine
How you start your day is important as it impacts how you feel throughout the day. Here are two articles i wrote listing morning routine checklist and how to be more productive.
Your best self is going to love you when you’re done with all this information.
19. Ask for help when you need it
When you’re becoming the best version of yourself, you should understand that sometimes, you’re going to need help and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with asking.
20. Create a vision board and work on it
Having a vision board will help you to identify your goals and visualize them every day. Truly, the best version of yourself is also tied to your goals.
I am becoming the best version of myself
21. Let self-care be a priority
Self-care should be priority, always. I understand that apart of becoming the best version of myself, I need to make time for myself, treat myself right and ensure that I feel and look good.
Here are some awesome self-care tips and things you can do on self-care days. Take some time to unwind, reboot and relax your mind.
22. Don’t be afraid to take risks
Simply put, if you don’t take risks, you wont know what lies in the realm of the unknown. Life is about taking risks and being your best self will lead you down that road. Be ready.
23. Manifest the things you want
Manifestation is real. Do you repeat positive affirmations each day? Speak life over your situation and abundance into everything you do.
24. Boost your self confidence
To be your best self, you need to be confident. It will be a driving force inside you. Here are a few books on the best ways to boost self confidence.
- Unstoppable self confidence by Andrew Leedham
- Be unapologetically you by Adeline Bird
25. Be organized
The road to your best self is one where you become organized and have things in order. Grab your journal, write down your to-do-list and get on routine that will help you to become more productive.
26. Pray
Lastly, prayer goes a far way in bringing your best self to life. Never underestimate the power of prayer.
I appreciate you stopping by as you seek ways to be your best self. You are indeed awesome and I hope you found some great tips.