Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed with all that you have to do as a mom? Family life, work life, your me-time, and keeping abreast with kids and their activities can be quite a challenge but you know what? It’s totally doable if you have a system in place.
This productive mom routine list will help you to figure out what you can do to make motherhood easier. Whether you are a single mom or not. Everyone is different so you can decide what works best for your family. Some may have partners to help, others may not. Whichever your situation momma, I created this list to help you.
So, you are at the right place if you were searching for:
- Mom daily routine
- Healthy routines for working moms
- Daily routine of a working mother
- Single mom daily schedule
- Being productive at home
- Productive stay-at-home mom schedule
- Full time working mum routine
- Daily schedule for busy mom
Being a mom myself, I love listening to and helping other moms as well. My thing is, we are so much stronger when we support each other! Our styles of doing things are so different and we can learn so much from each other. It’s absolutely amazing!
Now, let’s dive into these productive mom routines. This list is not in any particular order, just some ideas you can use to add to your routines.
Productive Mom Routine

1. Set your alarm
Momma, set your alarm at a time right for you to start your day. Take this time to think about your plans for the day, repeat your daily affirmations, have your devotional, do your early morning workout, Journal and have your warm shower.
This is simply daily routines for moms. Always create a time slot for yourself in the mornings before the kids are up.
2. Create a To-Do list
If you’re like me, writing your daily plans on paper hits differently. It’s just more achievable for me.
Plus you don’t easily forget things that you had planned to do because you can tick things off as you go along. I really hate when that happens. Forgetting ain’t fun. Kids’ soccer practice, shopping list, lunch with a friend, write it all and thank me later, hehe. It’s all about becoming more productive.
3. Meal Preparation
There are so many things that need to be done during the weekdays that you might find it hard to cook meals. You might end up having takeouts/fast food or snacks, things you don’t really want to have.
How about prepping your meals on Sundays and having enough to last you and cook probably twice a week? It’s a simpler way to always have home-cooked meals. It’s great for a working mom routine. You might have takeouts on the weekend and that’s fine.
The stay-at-home mom might be able to cook more often. Do what’s best for your family.
4. Create a schedule for family
Creating a weekly or monthly schedule can help with your family’s plans. Call it ‘Mom Schedules‘ if you must. In one sitting, you can create a list for each family member with important dates and times. For example, doctor appointments, tennis matches, birthday invites choir practice, etc. This way you don’t miss a thing!
If you’ve been following my blog, then you must have heard about Canva. You can easily create these schedules on Canva with built-in templates. Then simply download.
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5. Prepare Clothes
If clothes prepping is too hectic in one day, you can do it in 2 or however, you want to. If you can hire help, then do it. The weekend might be best to wash, fold, iron, and organize clothes to meet the new week. (Good schedule for working mom)
Productive Mom Routine

6. Help with homework
Sometimes you may be tired momma but this is important. You may do this when you guys get home after school, after dinner (working mom evening routine), and on the weekend. The schedule I mentioned creating earlier will give you a clear guide as to when you’ll do what. However, you can always adjust and make changes.
5 Hacks to stay on track with your productivity as a mom
7. Spend quality time with family
Family time is essential. Ensure you set aside time to spend leisurely with the most important people in your life. Plan a trip, watch movies, go to the park, the beach, have a picnic, etc. Just laugh and have a good time.
8. Have a specific bedtime
Ensure you have an early bedtime routine for the kids and that they know what their bedtime is. Of course, as kids, they’ll complain but eventually, they’ll adjust. Here’s why.
9. Prioritize self-care
Finally, in spite of the crazy, hectic, happy, productive, overwhelming week, self-care is a priority mama.
Take time for yourself. Unwine, breathe, relax, and rejuvenate. Your energy will be needed again. So, go to a spa, have spa time at home, go on a mini vacation, get a massage, go to a women’s brunch party, get a new hairdo, look good, and feel good.
Remember self-care isn’t selfish and we all need it. Check out this article about self-care tips for moms.
Productive Mom Routine Conclusion
To wrap things up, these are some ideas for a productive mom routine. Stop feeling bombarded and overwhelmed with so much to do. There’s an easier way. Things are different for every family, so as said before, you can decide what will work best for your family.
As supermoms, we find a way. that’s what we do. This can help you to create the organized home and week you want. I hope you took from these tips and stop by again for more.