You may come to terms with that these day you need to learn how to focus on yourself and not others. Sometimes you might give too much of yourself to people who aren’t even appreciative.
You have a good heart and always seem to be looking out for others. But the question is, who is looking out for you? Always remember that you are your biggest cheerleader, your greatest friend. So, take care of yourself first. Embrace and understand how to focus on yourself and be happy.
Growing and developing personally is a part of what my blog is about. I truly believe in self-help, self-care, personal development, growing every day, and blooming in life. This is for you if you are searching:
- How to focus on yourself as a woman (or man)
- Taking a year to focus on yourself
- How to focus on yourself and not your relationship
- How to focus on yourself after breakup
- I struggle to focus on myself
- How to focus on yourself and not a man
How to stop worrying about others and focus on yourself

1. Learn to say NO
You should consider creating clear boundaries if you are always putting others’ needs before yours. Normalize saying no to things you feel uncomfortable with, will regret, or don’t align with who are you. Don’t try to be a people pleaser or allow anyone to bombard your space, try to impose anything you don’t really want to do.
Saying NO for your sake means putting yourself first, doing what you really want to do, and maintaining clear boundaries.
2. Take time off
You might be a workaholic, a mom that needs a break, or someone who is just always at it. Whatever your situation, know when to take a break. In fact, we all need it because we are humans and we get tired/overwhelmed. I know I’m much better when I take breaks. Get that vacation, take a week to relax, have a self-care weekend, etc.
Sometimes you may think you cannot take time off because people depend on you, but, you need to reenergize, rejuvenate and reboot. You’re so much better when you are and can assist others better too. So if you are still worried about others, look at it from that perspective. Remember you can’t pour from an empty cup so take care of yourself first.
3. Join a community
In focusing on yourself, you can choose to join a community or group of like-minded individuals. Talk, network, and share about the things YOU love!
Related content:
- How to relax your mind at home
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Focus on your life not others
4. Examine your circle
We all need to examine and evaluate our circle every now and then. In focusing on yourself, get rid of the people around you that drain you, make you sad, and come with negative energy and disappointments. A minimized circle with good, positive people around is more impactful. Look out for yourself and protect your peace.
5. Do something you love
Start a hobby, learn a sport, and cook more often if you love it. Whatever you love, do it. Embrace things that speak to you. It’ll make you so much happier when you’re doing the things you love. Be kind to yourself and work on your goals.
6. Read books and listen to podcasts
If you’re serious about focusing on yourself, start reading new books and listening to podcasts that’ll help you in becoming a better person. There a numerous podcasts on YouTube and Spotify that you can tune in to. Not to mention the millions of books you can choose from.
7. Stop comparing yourself to others

Another way how to focus on yourself and not others is to stop unnecessary comparisons. Learn to appreciate and love yourself for who you are. Your uniqueness is what makes you beautiful.
8. Become productive/occupied
You focus so much more on yourself when you get/remain productive. Always try to keep your mind occupied. Try new things, discover a new side of yourself, get creative, and become selfish with your time.
9. Tell people how you feel
In focusing on yourself, you might offend some people who crave much of your time. Politely let them know that you are focusing on yourself right now and chances are they will respect your space.
10. Know your worth
When you know your worth and value, then focusing on yourself will be easier. Understand who you are and that taking care of yourself first is a priority.
How to focus on yourself and not others
What does it mean to focus on yourself and not others?
In my opinion, it simply means to put yourself first. It doesn’t mean you should not care about others but your priorities should be at the forefront and you should not put yourself in an uncomfortable situation in the name of pleasing others.
Why do I focus on others than myself?
Some people like to please others, want a ‘good name’, crave attention, are afraid of disappointing people, and so on. You should do a self-examination and ask yourselves why as everyone’s reason is different. Be honest with yourself.
How do I focus on myself only?
By spending a lot of time with yourself. Do the things that make you happy and let people know/respect the boundaries you have created. Ensure your needs are met first before you can pour them into others. Meet with yourself daily. This article talks about 7 ways to focus on yourself and only yourself!
How do I stop focusing on others?
Begin to love yourself more, and your life. Embrace who you are and work on improving yourself every single day. Be confident and stop comparing yourself to others. Whenever you find yourself at a place where you are in the back seat of your own life, you need to refocus your energy on who matters most – YOU.