100 Life goals ideas to maximize your life

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Some people might say, “my goal in life is to be successful”, but trust me, it literally goes beyond that. So, think deeply, what are your goals. What are some things you can do to live your best life? Do you need 100 life goals ideas to get you started?

Think about it, if you have a 100 life goals list or template, would that make it easier for you?

If your answer is yes, then this post is for you.

These 100 life goals ideas will help you to live a meaningful and purposeful life, look forward to create beautiful memories and enjoy your life. Never spend your days again wondering what you’re going to do with your life or worrying about your future. Create the lifestyle you want, the life you love.

In this post you will:

  • Get a list of great life goals examples
  • Learn the importance of having life goals
  • Use these dreams and goals examples to impact yourself and the world
  • Find out: What are some crazy life goals?

By the way, these 100 life goals ideas are for everyone. So, if you’re searching for goals in life for a woman, or man, life goals for couples, life goals for students, and so on, you can definitely find something for anyone right here.

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List of 100 life goals ideas

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    1. Travel the world

    “Pack your things, the ticket is booked” What a nice thing to hear right? Traveling does something, you know. When you’re able to explore somewhere new, try different things, go site-seeing, and learn about a new culture, it’s just amazing.

    Also, this article speaks of traveling being good for your mental health. Therefore, add traveling to your list.

    2. Earn a degree/certificate

    This is among common life goals as we always aspire to further our education and get a degree. Education is one thing that never leaves you. It’s totally worth it. Having a skill or degree under your belt is always a good thing. Even if you own a business without any of these, its good to have something to fall back on.

    3. Land your dream job

    We couldn’t have 100 life goals if landing your dream job wasn’t included. We all want that job of our dreams that we love and never get tired of. I’m sure you’ve heard that if you love what you do, you don’t have to work a day in your life.

    4. Get married

    Marriage is a gift and many want to achieve this milestone. It is usually among the goals in life for a woman (especially) and men. You desire to find a partner who loves and cherishes you and vows your hand into a beautiful marriage.

    Here are some frugal wedding tips if you’re thinking about getting married on a budget.

    5. Become financially secure

    Next on the list of 100 goals is financial security and I think we all want to reach this goal. We want to ensure that we have money in the bank, money invested, stable emergency fun, college funds for kids, multiple streams of income, and so on. Learn how to be financially free now.

    6. Live a debt-free life

    Don’t forget the desire to live a debt-free life. Pay off student loans, mortgages, personal loans, etc, or stay away from them! Learn how to stay out of debt here.

    7. Achieve your desired weight goal

    You may want to lose weight and get in the shape of your life. Did you know you can even get paid to workout? Add this to your life goals list and go for it.

    8. Go on a road trip

    Road trips are super fun and you can do this with friends or family. What’s a list of 100 life goals ideas without some fun. Create memories and make them count.

    9. Become consistent in the things you do

    You may want to become a more productive person. Here are some great productivity tips as you strive to do so.

    10. Be spiritually connected

    Get/stay connected to God, the higher power. Pray every day and feed your spirit with the things that are pure. I love starting my day by reading Our Daily Bread. You can download the app. It’s such a breath of fresh air.

    11. Start a successful business

    100 life goals ideas to achieve and fully enjoy your life

    Another aspiration of the list of 100 life goals ideas is starting a business and being successful with it.

    12. Have kids

    Children are some awesome human beings, so innocent and beautiful! This is a goal of many people to have kids one day. Whether you have kids of your own or adopt, ensure to be the best parent you can be!

    13. Build or buy a house

    The goal of homeownership is also among common life goals for single people as well as family life goals. Plan ahead, get your finances and your credit in order, and make this dream become a reality.

    14. Leave your 9-5 and excel with your side hustle

    A lot of people hate their jobs and wish they could leave the 9-5 cubicle. It can be a dream come true. Start a side hustle first and ensure it can turn into a full-time income.

    15. Become a Digital Nomad

    A Digital Nomad is basically someone who travels the world while working remotely. Do you desire the laptop lifestyle? Working from a poolside or hotel room, having time and freedom to do the things you love, while earning?

    Here’s how to become a Digital Nomad

    16. Read 3 books per month

    There are so many great books out there and new releases that you can challenge yourself to read every month. You can even start today by joining audible for a FREE trial and getting access to thousands of books and podcasts. You can also read poems about life goals.

    17. Give back to charity

    Awesome life goals include giving back to the less fortunate. It is a humble and fulfilling feeling that brings so much joy.

    18. Retire young

    Do you want to retire young? What are you doing to do so? Here are some things to do in your 20s and 30s to build wealth.

    19. Have a greenhouse or a beautiful garden

    Do you love flowers? You can have a big beautiful garden/greenhouse. Make it your new hobby.

    20. Get straight A’s in school

    Teenagers or students in collect may strive to get straight A’s in school. This is a great idea and life goal!

    21. Learn how to cook

    Learning to cook can be a plus, especially since it helps you to save more money. Check out the $5 meal plan to help you to plan delicious meals.

    22. Get a pet

    Everyone has different goals in life. You might always want to get a pet. Get one and be happy.

    23. Take vacation twice a year

    If one vacation per year feels like nothing, take two! Ease your mind, relax and have fun. Some may find it expensive to take vacations, but you can save more by increasing your income, planning, and spending less.

    Also, if you plan to fly out of the country for your vacation, airfarewatchdogs sends you price drops and low-fare alerts when you sign up for FREE.

    24. Create a positive impact on society

    This might mean joining a purposeful group or starting a ministry that will help members of society.

    25. Receive an award

    Self-accomplishment is one of the best feelings. If you’re reaching for this goal, jump and grab it.

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      26. Meet your favorite celebrity

      Among the dreams and goals examples: meeting your favorite celebrity. Some people have this goal for life as they’re big fans.

      27. Have a strong support system

      Getting people around to support you is a very comforting thing. Find genuine people and stay close to them.

      28. Become a millionaire

      Goal ideas to become a millionaire keeps rolling over in our minds. Get to work, stay consistent and you can achieve anything.

      29. Live life on your terms

      When you are financially free, you can live life on your own terms. Spend time with family, take a vacation, choose to not work this particular day, etc. Don’t we all aspire to that kind of life?

      30. Migrate

      Some people wish to migrate (whether internally or externally), a goal in life to start afresh.

      31. Get engaged

      The goal to get engaged is an exciting one. You think of him popping the question, your nails, and your reaction.

      32. Host a yacht party

      We all should have fun life goals. Plan and host a party on a yacht! What will you celebrate?

      33. Have multiple streams of income

      Here are a few ideas to get multiple streams of income:

      • Passive income online
      • How to make money online for beginners
      • Freelancing jobs for beginners

      34. Fly first-class

      Do you want to experience flying first class?

      35. Do an all-nighter in Las Vegas

      100 life goals ideas to achieve and fully enjoy your life

      Add this to your 100 life goals ideas. Enjoy yourself in Las Vegas!

      36. Swing on Bali swing

      I bet we’ve seen this all over the internet of people swinging in Bali with a beautiful view.

      37. Buy your dream car

      Buying your dream car is a new level to just owning a car.

      38. Have a skincare routine that works

      Another life goal you might have is to have gorgeous skin.

      39. Go to your child’s events

      Every parent dream of going to their child’s events. Whether it be a baseball game, a ballet performance, or a talent competition, it brings such joy! This might be a goal in life for new parents, or busy parents too.

      40. Send your parents on a cruise

      Feel like you want to do something to repay your parents but your finances are low. This can be a goal to save and plan for.

      41. Get a tattoo

      If getting a tattoo is something you want to do, go get it.

      42. Decorate all-white this Christmas

      Ok just because I love to see it. Some people may like home decor and want to decorate all white this Christmas.

      43. Visit Disney world

      On our list of 100 goals is a trip to ‘the happiest place on earth.

      44. Ride a horse at the beach

      Horseback riding at the beach is another goal you may want to experience.

      45. Adopt a child

      Adoption is a great goal for you to have and care for a child.

      46. Fall asleep under the moonlight

      As simple as falling asleep under the moonlight. It can be laying in the grass in your backyard, or on the patio with your partner.

      47. Be happy

      Happiness has to be on the list of life goals. Everyone wants to be genuinely happy and I hope each one of you finds happiness. First, know it comes from within.

      48. Learn self-defense

      If this is on your list of goals to accomplish, it is totally worth it.

      49. Overcome procrastination

      These are all positive goals in life and especially when you are trying your best to become the best version of yourself.

      50. Master a new skill

      Learn a new skill that you can use as your hobby, teach people or use it to make money. For example, painting.

      51. Practice healthy eating

      100 life goals ideas to achieve and fully enjoy your life

      Still, wondering what are some goals in life? As you can see, It doesn’t have to be extravagant. It’s as simple as eating healthy.

      52. Have a calm mind

      Train your mind to stay calm. Don’t get worked up over trivial things and keep a controlled composure.

      53. Become a positive person

      I believe this should always be a goal in life. One should strive to be positive every day.

      54. Offer volunteer services

      Offer volunteer services every chance you get.

      55. Get rid of fear

      Fear will cripple your emotions and dreams. If this is a goal to get rid of it, try to read books and talk to a counselor to help.

      56. Go on a hike with friends/family

      Sounds fun right? Plan your hiking trip.

      57. Go skydiving

      Skydiving is scary for some but best believe it’s on a lot of person list of 100 life goals ideas.

      58. Get a promotion

      Strive for a promotion at work in order to earn more and feel a sense of accomplishment.

      59. Get VIP tickets to a show

      Yearning to be in the front seat of a great show or event? Write this down as one of your life goals.

      60. Write a book

      If you’re passionate about writing or you have a story you want to share. Write a book.

      61. Learn to stick to your budget

      This is a big one on our life goals list. It’s truly an accomplishment to master sticking to a budget because there are so many distractions and things to spend money on.
      Here is how to finally stick to your budget.

      62. Go on a submarine

      If you like the idea of going underwater, then you can plan to go on a submarine and explore.

      63. Visit an amusement park

      This is a great way to enjoy the summer. Tip: Get a season pass!

      64. Invest Invest Invest (expand portfolio)

      Making investments should be a goal for everyone. Investing your money is a great way to build wealth.

      65. Get a certificate in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

      Other goal ideas include getting certified in CPR. It’s good to know how to administer these important procedures to save a person’s life.

      66. Attend a major sporting event

      Make plans to go to a major event. For example, the Olympics, Super Bowl, etc.

      67. Plan your retirement

      Another big goal in life. Make sure to organize your finances and prioritize your retirement fund.

      68. Bring your kids or grandkids to the hometown where you grew up

      Sometimes, you may want to take a trip down memory lane. Take your kids or grandkids to where you grew up. Show them around and tell your little stories. It can be fun!

      69. Host a family reunion

      How about this becomes a part of your yearly goals ideas? I love reunions, they’re so engaging and fun.

      70. Take a trip to an island

      How about a trip to Jamaica? A beautiful tropical paradise. Home to legends- Bob Marley and Usain Bolt.

      71. Go on a cruise

      Is it your life goals plan and dream to go on a cruise? Then plan, pack, and go. You deserve it.

      72. Make a family tree

      Family goals ideas you’ll never forget.

      73. Get a 4.0 GPA

      As a college student, you can strive to acquire a 4.0 GPA. It is a major accomplishment and looks outstanding on your resume.

      74. Be fit and healthy

      People are big on health and fitness goals ideas. It is actually a major deal in today’s era. Visit the gym or work out at home, eat healthily and be consistent.

      75. Participate in a 5k

      Running for a cause is an awesome life goal.

      76. Refurbish your home

      Another on the 100 life goals list is refurbishing your home – an amazing idea.

      77. Have a huge yard sale

      If you want to declutter your space and make room to move around, you can have a huge yard sale. This is a goal that will also make you money.

      78. Become an Influencer

      The goal of becoming a Social Media Influencer is escalating. More people are seeing the potential to earn and change the course of their lives.

      79. Pay off student loans

      This is a goal of so many! What is your goal in life? is it to get rid of student loans? Make a plan of the maximum you can pay each week and stick to it. Dave Ramsey’s snowball effect strategy can also help.

      80. Go apple picking

      Pick an apple with family or friends and have fun doing it.

      81. Pay off mortgage

      100 life goals ideas to achieve and fully enjoy your life

      The goal of paying off a mortgage is like a dream come true.

      82. Go wine tasting

      As I said, people’s goals in life are different. You may want to go wine tasting with some friends. Go and have fun.

      83. Read the entire Bible

      This is a goal and a challenge. It will also help you to connect spiritually. It’s also great for Christian life goals.

      84. Quit a bad habit

      Add this one to your weekly goals ideas.

      85. Become a coach

      You might have a skill or talent you’re enthusiastic about and want to teach others. Go for your goal and share what you are offering.

      86. Become the best version of yourself

      Each day, make it your goal to become the best you.

      87. Go ice skating

      You might live where it doesn’t snow or you just never got a chance to get to it. Add this goal to your list today.

      88. Have a brunch party with your best friends

      Tell yourself ‘my goals in life should be fun too’. Remember mimosas in your planning!

      89. Join an official club

      Join a professional club or nonprofit organization in your community or nearby.

      90. Have a home gym

      If you aspire to be fit and healthy, you may also want to have a home gym. Thank me later.

      91. Learn a new dance

      Never stop learning. Have you always wanted to learn salsa?

      92. Learn to drive

      It’s a good life goal to learn how to drive. You will get the hang of it as soon as you get around that staring wheel and practice a few times.

      93. Learn a new language

      Learning a new language is another goal in life you can achieve. Remember, learning never ends.

      94. Visit at least one of the seven wonders of the world

      Making memories at one of these famous and beautiful places is an awesome life goal.

      95. Discover your purpose

      Find that thing that tugs your heart, that you’re extremely passionate about and that you never get tired of. When you find what you love, do it.

      96. Learn to play a musical instrument

      Another thing that made the list of 100 life goals ideas is learning to play an Instrument. For instance, the violin seems pretty cool.

      97. Go surfing

      Dream of surfing? grab your board and go for it.

      98. Live in the present

      Other goals in life examples include remaining present. Don’t be caught dwelling on the past or going far in the future. Train your mind to be present.

      99. Ride a bike

      It might sound simple for some, but there are many people who don’t know how to ride a bike yet.

      100. Show gratitude

      Learn how to show gratitude every single day. Adore life, complain less, and be happy. Let this be a continuous goal for life.

      Conclusion for 100 life goals ideas

      If you ever feel like you have a lack of goals in life, these are 100 life goal ideas you can refer to. You can smash these life goals with your partner, family, or friends, or on your own (personal life goals). You can literally find something for everybody on this life goals list. It has financial, spiritual, personal, family, and even couples goals.

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