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Let’s face it, Some people are better savers than others. Not because they’re special, but because they’re willing and more simply, they want to.
I look at saving as a way to quickly navigate the unexpected, a path to financial freedom, smart living and to improve my finances. That’s why I want to share some of the best saving tips with you so that you can have a sense of contentment and balance.
Side note: I have a gift for you at the end so stick around! $$$
Whenever we mention savings, a lot of persons cringe. Living paycheck to paycheck is a bandwagon everyone wants to jump off of. You get paid, feel great, then the bills come tumbling down like a ton of bricks (ouch), tapping on our shoulders or literally knocking on our doors…knock knock..who is it? Uh, it’s Bill! You sigh. Before you know it, you sit and wonder to yourself “where did my money go?” …
Related: How to get out of debt
BUT…Saving money is still possible. These money-saving tips I’m about to share with you are personal, tested, and proven. I really couldn’t keep them to myself. How selfish would I be!
I used these saving tips to change the way I did things which ultimately changed my life! So I wanted to share and help you do the same. So gear up to learn the best saving tips!!!
First, I want you to answer these questions:
Do I truly want to learn how to save more?
Is saving a priority to me?
Will I put these into practice after learning them?
If your response is yes, you’re in the right mindset. Let’s head right into it.
This is one of the best saving tips and shouldn’t be taken lightly. The same way you can stay on that diet plan, get your hair done, visit the spa, exercise, buy all the skincare products in the world, it’s the same way you can take care of yourself–by saving your money.
Saving isn’t a chore, it’s something that is necessary and will improve your financial situation, building a healthy relationship with your finances.
Budgets are so important and many people don’t have one. Some aren’t even familiar with the word (trust me, I cant make these things up). A Budget estimates revenue and expenses over a period of time. I find it very useful as it allows me to see (on paper) my monthly spending and evaluate the expenses I spend too much money on.
What do you think you’re spending too much money on? clothes, gadgets, takeouts?
Identify it, minimize your spending or give it a big fat X! Once you subtract an expense off your budget, go ahead and add that money to savings.
You can call it the paper piggy (ha!). This tip is for you to understand that saving doesn’t have to always be a huge lump sum. Once you start saving small money, you will eventually get to where you want to be. Just be committed.
I tried the paper piggy for a couple of months and it’s now a new habit. Also, you can allow your family members to put money into your piggy to fill it up faster! Now that’s a hack!
let me tell you that Impulse spending and I were besties. In fact, I was a shopaholic. Running from rack to rack —
“oh, this is so cute”…
“I love this”…
“not leaving this”…
Then I ended up at the cashier with 7 tops, dresses, and shoes I don’t even have as many feet to wear. It was insane! (or maybe I was) I realized that it was hurting my purse, my savings, ultimately me (remember I mentioned self-care earlier?). Therefore, my wish is for you to be mindful of impulse spending. Take hold of your emotions and only buy things that you know you need and stash that extra in your saving.
Can you take a look in your car and see how many coins you have lying around?
Another great way to save is by storing all these coins in a container. Every time you go to Starbucks, KFC, the supermarket, toss those loose changes in your container! You might be surprised to see the amount once it’s ready to be emptied.
Remember nothing is wrong with saving the little. You could even combine this money with that of your paper piggy I mentioned earlier. At the end of the day, it’s your money and you’ll be saving much more than you use to.
Remember to hang around for your gift at the end. $$$
Some of you might have a side job already, 2 jobs, while some are trying to find/create one. Saving with one income is hard, especially if it’s low income. Keep in mind that it is still doable. Just create a budget and implement these tips as well as stay committed.
Now if you have a side job, you can use your 9-5 to pay the bills and take care of other miscellaneous. Then the money from your side job could contribute to your savings.
Having better control over our money and paving the way to financial independence is the goal. There are many side jobs that you can do to help in saving money — Delivery, Virtual Assistant, Uber, making and selling bracelets and so much more!
How often do you go out to eat?
How often do you cook at home?
For some of you, the answer to the first question is “way too often” right?
Today is the day you take the step to change. Less eating out. More saving. All these are great money-saving tips for college students too, I must say. A lot of college students want to know to save more and these are simple, yet very powerful tips. Put them to practice and you’ll see.
I know we’ve heard this so many times but ignore it and go to Red Lobster anyway. We really want to save our money but we end up at Olive Garden anyway. It’s time for a change.
We’re going to build a relationship with our savings account. Dominoes Pizza, we love you but we love ourselves more (self-care) and saving is a priority. Don’t get me wrong, I go out to eat, but I limit myself to how many times per month. You can do the same.
Additionally, there’s nothing like a good home-cooked meal. Not from granny’s kitchen. This time it’s from yours! You don’t have to be a chef either. Learn from this amazing cookbook of 800 recipes. There’re tons of home recipes on the internet, plus you have YouTube. When you do this, you will not only save money but you’ll learn/develop some cooking skills. Mission accomplished! I find fun in cooking and I know you will too.

Listen, when I enter a store, I look for the sale section. I love my good deals! If you’re like me, you’ll try to save a couple of hundred dollars and take advantage of deals. Get more value for your money by doing buy one get one (BOGO).
Cut out the coupons from the paper, store the ones you get at the cashier, and make use of your cashback. I don’t want you to go crazy about it now, but let’s just be mindful about our spending and intentional about our savings. We have to be smart when it comes to our finances and these tips can help to boost our savings and turn things around.
Related: Things I stopped buying to save money
What did you subscribe to that you’re barely using? Think about it for a minute or two.
These days there are so many things out there to ‘subscribe’ to. We make these monthly payments yet we hardly ever use them.
Is this you? You been payin’!
Let’s spit the facts, subscriptions can be pricey. If you draft up your budget and check how much you’re paying for the year, you might be taken by surprise.
To manage your savings better, I suggest you take a look at your current subscriptions (the ones you don’t really use) and evaluate them. If you deem them not worthy to be paying for, you can opt out and stash that money into your savings account.
Let me guess what you’re thinking…
Quality things are expensive!
Well, let’s admit, they can be. However, remember earlier I spoke about taking advantage of sales, BOGOs, deals, etc? This can help in purchasing a better brand item while saving back money. It’s a win-win!
Items of quality last so much longer. As we know, long-lasting items can save us a trip to the store and money in our pockets. The short-term items are only going to cost us time and money. We are trying to keep our money with us so that we may improve the lives of our family, build wealth and gain financial independence.
Now, this is my all-time fave! I can’t begin to tell you how much this has helped me. Super effective! In fact, it is one of the best money-saving tips — for me. A Goal Tracker allows you to track your goals over a period of time.
You’ll see how close or far away you are from achieving your desired goal. It is so simple and easy to use once you stay committed to your savings plan or end goal.
A Goal tracker has always been a friend of mine and I truly want to help you achieve your saving goal (whatever that amount is). I’m so happy you read all the way to the end. I know you are serious about saving money and managing your finances properly (Hip hip hooray!).
Here’s your FREE GIFT below!
I have made a Goal Tracker help you save and track your goals. You can accept this FREE GIFT by filling the form below and it’ll be sent straight to your email!
Thanks for reading and feel free to leave a comment below. You can know about me here and I’m happy to connect with you!