So you want to become a boss momma. Sometimes it may feel like you’re drowning in all the activities that being a mom comes with while trying to balance other things in your life. This post will help you to have your family life organized, workload managed, gather finances, have time for yourself, and basically create a balance.
You will leave here with new insights, and learn how to become the best version of yourself so you can be a super mom aka boss mama. A lot of women would say that they feel overwhelmed and always tired. I know it can be like that sometimes, don’t worry. You will learn how to balance things better after reading this.
These tips are amazing and will help you if you put them into action.
So, get ready to become a boss momma! Grab a coffee if you must, pen and paper, and let’s get started.
How to become a boss momma

1. Start a side hustle
Getting your finances in order is a good thing to do when living the mom boss life. You might be in a situation where you need extra income. Probably it may be a burden and it’s affecting how you react and feel.
Starting a side hustle is a good way to create a supplemental income stream. A new income stream can help pay bills, take care of a debt, buy gifts, get educational materials for the kids, save more, do the things you always wanted to do, and so on. There are some women out there who always have money, here’s how they do it.
Here are some things you can do to become a side hustle business boss and make extra money.
- 17 side hustles for moms
- 12 Easy businesses moms can start today
- How to make passive income online
- Online business for moms
2. Become more productive
You have to intentionally stop, analyze yourself, and if you can do way better with productivity, then be true to yourself and commit to that. Being productive is something we all should strive to be. It really has a lot to do with how much we get done daily. Being productive means you have to manage your time better, quit procrastination, make a to-do list, and so on.
Here is an article I wrote giving you all the productivity tips you need.
3. Make a family budget and stick to it
If you want to be a boss momma, then you have to create a budget (if you haven’t already done so). A budget basically shows your overall income and all the expenses you have to see where your money goes each month. It allows you to see how much you earn and how much you spend.
Your expenses should never exceed your income and you should learn to stick to your budget religiously. When you have created your budget, I want you to take a look at it and see what you are spending money on that you know you don’t really need—for example, unused subscriptions. Get rid of the things you’ve identified and put that additional money towards your emergency savings account.
It might be hard to stick to your budget at times but you have to be intentional about it. A lot of people say that things arise and they have to go back into their finances, but you should always include ‘miscellaneous expenses in your budget. Therefore if there’s an unexpected expense, then there’s money for that in miscellaneous.
Here are the top tips on how to stick to your budget with this particular payment type.
4. Plan everything
Another thing to consider when becoming a boss momma is to plan everything. Learn to plan. Even if plans change (which they will sometimes (or most times hehe). I mean, it’s inevitable. Please understand that. However, it’s just better and you’ll feel more relaxed when things are organized.
Whether short-term or long-term, where do you want to see your family in 5 years? And yourself? Are you making plans?
“He who fails to plan is planning to fail”
Winston Churchill
Also, when plans change, stay calm, accept it, make the necessary adjustments, and move right along. This is life and the entire world is changing. Don’t be stuck in a bad mood. Trust the reroute, make the change in your mind (powerful), and go back to the drawing board.
I have been to the drawing board so many times in my life and I can say I have learned something new each time. So, learn how to accept change, plan again and allow yourself to grow.
5. Schedule activities, appointments, and special events
Being a boss momma also calls on you to be on top of appointments, family activities, special dates, assignments, and so on. Make a schedule that you refer to very often. This can be the calendar on your iPad or cell phone. Mark the dates and set alarms as well, just so you are reminded.
We’re human and when we have so much to think about, we can forget even the simplest of things. If you haven’t as yet, get into the habit of setting reminders and using your diary/calendar/phone to document important dates.
6. Save more, spend less
Momma, I mentioned earlier that your expense should not exceed your income. Saving money should be a priority. Many things can happen and when you have a family, you want to have your head screwed and your thinking cap on. Ensure you are spending less each day so that you can save more. Some ways you can spend less are:
- Eat out less
- Use coupons when shopping
- Use points to travel
- Stop buying these 9 unnecessary things!
- Say bye to impulsive spending
- Go hard on your emergency fund
Related post:
Hack to spending less and saving more
7. Keep your home organized
The mama boss is also well organized. Of course, there are days when you will feel all dragged and lazy. It’s called being human. There will also be days when things get messy and out of place. For example, kids toys. It is inevitable.
You can keep things organized at home by getting boxes for toys and allow your kids to put their toys away after play. It encourages responsibility. When it comes on to books, you can get affordable bookshelves on Amazon.
Assign a day to organize things in the home and declutter from time to time. Get rid of old stuff to get more space.
8. Do meal preparation
If you are a super busy mom, meal preparation can help. It helps you to save money, time and minimizes stress.
So, prepare meals beforehand so that you can allocate time in doing other things. Decide what you’re going to make. gather containers, go grocery shopping for the ingredients you need and set aside on your calendar/schedule which day(s) you’re going to prepare the meals.
9. Make time for your family

The boss momma makes time for her family as well. Family time is crucial in building solid relationships, creating beautiful memories, sharing, showing care, and of course, love.
Take time to embrace your family, listen to them, have fun with them and show support in every way possible. For instance, make time for that baseball game, provide a listening ear, watch movies together, go on road trips together and just have some fun.
Spending time with the people you love goes far beyond words. It is how you make your loved ones feel that makes the difference. Do not underestimate time spent or the little things.
10. Make self-care a priority
Do you make time for yourself? When last have you been to the spa? Have you gotten a manicure or pedicure lately? Are you buying yourself any gifts? Are there any flowers for momma? Do you read?
Taking care of yourself constitute all areas of your life. Here are some things you can do:
- Pray and do yoga to help with mediation as your mental health is important (I listen to rain sounds on youtube in the dark–it’s so soothing!).
- Read books that assist with your growth and development
- Find out effective ways to relax your mind at home
- Workout from home or join a gym (health is wealth)
- Buy yourself a gift (For instance, that perfume you’ve been looking at for a long time)
- Do a 5 minutes self care
11. Get kids on a schedule
Momma, get your child on a system that they eventually adjust to. Schedules are an essential part of becoming a mom boss because every single tick on that clock is valued. It can keep you on track with the kids daily activities and events and it’ll help you personally to smash your to-do list as well.
Ensure you set a particular bed time for them as well. They’ll snap into the habit.
12. Ensure education materials are around

A mom boss will want to have education materials around so their kids can learn, even while they play. When you go online to shop, make sure to add these items to cart and not only outfits.
You also want to teach your child things that will help them to learn more about the world and society. Learning these things from early will help them to be ahead. Just imagine you knew certain things from earlier on in life? How smart would yo be right?! Food for thought.
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13. Provide support
We all need support. Mamas, your kids need support and guess what? YOU need support. Sometimes things will get burdensome or overwhelming, that’s life. Keep people in your corner that you can talk to, confide in, provide wise advice, or offering a shoulder to cry on. We all need a support system in this life (especially those mommas who recently had a baby which can be a tough transition).
“No man is an island”
– John Donne
Equally, ensure you support your kids and people around. Root for them always. Best believe sometimes you’ll even meet strangers that need your support. Sometimes it’s emotional support, financial support, spiritual support, mental support etc,. Carry a heart of gold that exudes love, genuinity and transparency. Be that person that is warm, approachable, wise and reliable.
14. Learn good time management
How often have we heard that time is the master? We cannot go back in time, neither can we fast forward time, so therefore, please place the utmost value on time.
Good time management skills in important in becoming a boss momma. You’ll make realistic schedules, get things done on time and plan better. Dont settle for always being late but rather see it as mediocre lifestyle. Learn how to manage time properly.
Wake up with a positive attitude, ready to take on the day. Check your schedule/to-do list, tick things off as you go by and try to be consistent every sing day. Things take time and practice.
15. Become the best version of yourself
Remember it’s all about how to become the best version of yourself. If you really want to level up and become a boss momma, then show up and show out. Meaning get up every day and get it done- for yourself, your family and your goals.
On days you dont feel like it, repeat affirmations, think about your goals, remember why you started and who you are striving to become. The best version of yourself awaits you.
16. Take a break
Lastly, take a break.
Even though you are boss momma aka super mom, there’s just a point in your life when you need a break. You’ll need rest. So stay home for a few days while your kids stay with your parents, for example. Take a vacation or do something. Just know you can do so much and no more and there is a time for everything.
We all need to rejuvenate at some point. It helps us to do more, be better mentally, give of our best selves and feel better. Know when you’ve reach your breaking point and take some rest.
Conclusion On Boss Momma
If you are work from home mom or a mama that does 9-5, these tips can definitely help you to become a Boss momma where you learn how to balance life as a mom. As mentioned, with all the activities and things going on, sometimes we tend to get so busy and overwhelmed. However, I just wanted to put together these simple strategies I use and believe that it can make your life a little simpler/easier.
A balanced life is a more peaceful and smooth life. Make your home what you want it to be. Create a lifestyle that you are satisfied with, do what makes your soul happy and continue being the super moms that you all are.