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Here’s the deal, whether you’re a morning person or not, it’s always good to have a morning routine. You feel so much more organized, prepared, and ready to take on your day!

In fact, there’s a positive vibe attached to it that leaves people to wonder, what your secret is.

So, get ready for this simple morning checklist for an excellent morning routine that’ll change your life!

When you stick to your routines, it can also help you to become more productive. You can always make changes to your routine, however, just remain consistent.

I find that I feel so much better and more productive when I stick to the script. Good habits are also developed in doing this.

So, let’s get right into your routine list! Get ready to become the best version of yourself.

Got your pen and paper ready? If not, ensure to bookmark this page so you can return to it later.


  1. Wake up early.

Rise and shine sleepy head! Make it your habit to wake up early. I don’t want to sound vague so let’s be specific as to ‘early’. I know it’s a struggle for some, but 5:30 am – 6 am is a fair enough time.

If you’re an early bird who wishes to wake up earlier (or if your job demands it), then go ahead and do what’s required. Some days (mostly on the weekend), you’ll probably wake up a little later.

When you wake up, try to tap into that positive mode by just having a grateful heart. Stretch those muscles and start thinking about how much you’re grateful to be alive. It sure makes a difference.

Related content: Effective tips to become more productive

2. Have your devotional.

I use the Daily Bread App and let it read itself as I lay down listening. This is really refreshing. You guys could make this a part of your daily routine checklist. I always end with prayer.

3. Meditate for 10 minutes.

Your morning meditation is about connecting with your true self and welcoming positive energy.

You may also do a 15-minute yoga exercise Always think happy thoughts about yourself, family, friends, and loved ones. Do some breathing exercises in the meantime as a way to relax your mind. Going outside for 5 mins of fresh air also does the trick.

4. Create your to-do list/Journalize

Grab your pen and write a list of what you have to do for the day. It’s a lot better when you write it down, rather than have it all listed in your head.

Hun, you’re human so trust me, one day, you will forget to do something. So, write it down- just to make sure to stay on top of your game.

Also, journalize anything that you wish to make a note of at this time. For example, affirmations.

5. Make your bed.

Making your bed is a simple task that can make a big difference in your day! Many persons neglect this task, but I see it as important. In fact, it changes the mood. Be delighted to tick off this task on your morning checklist.


6. Wash your face and brush your teeth.

This pretty much goes without saying but yea, good hygiene is everything guys. If you have a skincare morning routine, you may also go right ahead with that.

7. Drink a glass of water.

Sometimes we go throughout the day and blame ourselves for not drinking enough water (I’m so guilty of this). Let’s start the day right. Ensure to add it to your morning checklist. Drink a glass of water.

8. Make/Eat a healthy breakfast.

A healthy breakfast is a good idea. It is the most important meal of the day. Here you’ll find a cookbook with lots of quick and healthy breakfast recipes.

9. Drink Coffee or Tea.

Which do you prefer? I bet the majority is coffee, ha!

Either one, you can sip while reading the paper or the daily bread.

10. Do a short workout.

No equipment? no worries. Go on youtube and you’ll find 10 minutes workouts with no equipment. The time sounds short but it can be very effective if you follow the instructor throughout the exercise. Great to add to your morning checklist.


11. Take a shower.

Nothing like a nice shower in the morning. Get refreshed to start your day.

12. Use your products – body mist, lotion, deodorant, sunscreen, etc. Always remember why I said self-care is oh so important.

13. Get dressed and enjoy the rest of your day!

So there you have it! A simple morning checklist for an excellent morning routine. Use this as your daily morning routine and be consistent, as mentioned earlier. Depending on each individual, you might feel the need to incorporate other things and that’s totally fine.

Thank you so much for stopping by. Come back more often! I hope you like this morning routine list and feel free to share this page with your friends/family. Also, get this FREE checklist for kids below.

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